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The Directorate of Public Prosecutions is headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) appointed by the President under section 99 of the Constitution. The DPP’s office is a public office and is responsible for all public prosecutions. The Directorate is based at Ministry Justice Headquarters in Lilongwe. However, the State Advocate Chambers in Blantyre serve as the branch office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Plans are underway to open another branch in Mzuzu. By virtue of the Constitution, the DPP is subject only to the general or special direction of the Attorney General but otherwise acts independent of the directions and control of any other authority or person. The DPP may be removed from office for incompetence, incapacity, on attainment of the mandatory retirement age or for being partial in the performance of his or her duties
Director of Public Prosecutions
Ministry of Justice, Capital Hill
Private Bag 333
Lilongwe 3, Malawi
+265 01 788 411
+265 01 788 332