Legal Aid Bureau

The Legal Aid Bureau (LAB) is established under section 3 of the Legal Aid Act of 2011 to provide legal services to people who cannot afford private lawyers. It is one of the social services government provides to its citizens such as health, education, food and water. It is the only such institution in Malawi.

Currently, LAB has four offices which are; the headquarters in Lilongwe and it caters for the Central Region. The LAB also has regional office in Blantyre, Zomba and Mzuzu. In Blantyre LAB is in Government offices, lower Victoria Avenue and it provides legal services to Southern region. In Mzuzu the office is in Osman Gani house and it provides legal services to the Northern Region of Malawi. Finally, in Zomba the offices are located in High Court Buildings (Old Parliament buildings) and it caters to the Eastern Region.

1st Floor Shire Building
Off Paul Kagame Highway
P.O. Box 675
Lilongwe, Malawi

+265 01 753 945
+265 01 757 616