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This department is headed by the Registrar General and is responsible for the registration of companies, business names, births, and deaths, political parties, trusts, patents, industrial designs and trademarks, and the collection of stamp duties, etc. A large number of applications for the registration of patents, industrial designs and trademarks are received from all over the world. The department is also responsible for the officiation of marriages under the Marriage Act, Chapter 25:01 of the Laws of Malawi (i.e. marriages other than customary or asiatic marriages). The headquarters is in Blantyre, with regional offices in Lilongwe and Mzuzu
Registrar General
Fatima Arcade, Haile Selassie Road
P.O. Box 100
Blantyre, Malawi
+265 01 824 355 / 01 824 668 / 01 824 785 / 01 824 394
+265 01 821 686