Government Stakeholders

This includes Government ministries and departments, as well as statutory bodies that promote democratic governance. It also includes Government institutions that are aggregated in other sectors, but strategically contribute to strengthening policy development, planning, budgeting and monitoring of democratic governance:

Malawi Defense Force
Malawi Defense Force

The Malawi Defense Force (MDF) is established under section 159 of the Constitution of Malawi as the only military constituted in the country. Its establishment and mandate are further supported under Defense Force Act 2004. The MDF is headed by the Commander who reports to the President as Commander In-Chief of the MDF. Apart from advising government in defense policy formulation and implementation, the constitutional mandate of the MDF includes the following functions: 1) to uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic and guard against threats to the safety of its citizens by force of arms, 2) to uphold and protect the constitutional order in the Republic and assist the civil authorities in the proper exercise of their functions under this Constitution, 3) to provide technical expertise and resources to assist the civilian authorities in the maintenance of essential services in times of emergency; and 4)to perform such other duties outside the territory of Malawi as may be required of them by any treaty entered into by Malawi in accordance with the prescriptions of international law.

MDF Headquarters
Kamuzu Barracks
Private Bag 43
Lilongwe, Malawi
+265 01 791 952
+265 01 792 216