Government Stakeholders

This includes Government ministries and departments, as well as statutory bodies that promote democratic governance. It also includes Government institutions that are aggregated in other sectors, but strategically contribute to strengthening policy development, planning, budgeting and monitoring of democratic governance:

Immigration Department
Immigration Department

The Immigration department falls under Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Security. Its operations are governed by the Immigration Act, the Citizenship Act and the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi. It exists to provide sound migration management and achieve timely issuance of relevant documents to eligible persons for national security and social economic development

Immigration HQ
PO Box 331
Blantyre, Malawi
+265 01 832 565

Lilongwe Immigration Office
PO Box 1272
Lilongwe, Malawi
+265 01 759 270

Mzuzu Immigration Office
PO Box 600
Mzuzu, Malawi
+265 01 311 474

Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice is mandated to provide policy guidance and direction to Government on all legal and constitutional matters. The Ministry exists to promote the rule of law, justice and democracy, transparency and accountability

Ministry of Justice
Private Bag 333
Capital Hill
Lilongwe 3, MALAWI
+265 01 788 433

Directorate of Public Prosecutions and State Advocate
Directorate of Public Prosecutions and State Advocate

The Directorate of Public Prosecutions is headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) appointed by the President under section 99 of the Constitution. The DPP’s office is a public office and is responsible for all public prosecutions. The Directorate is based at Ministry Justice Headquarters in Lilongwe. However, the State Advocate Chambers in Blantyre serve as the branch office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Plans are underway to open another branch in Mzuzu. By virtue of the Constitution, the DPP is subject only to the general or special direction of the Attorney General but otherwise acts independent of the directions and control of any other authority or person. The DPP may be removed from office for incompetence, incapacity, on attainment of the mandatory retirement age or for being partial in the performance of his or her duties

Director of Public Prosecutions
Ministry of Justice, Capital Hill
Private Bag 333
Lilongwe 3, Malawi
+265 01 788 411
+265 01 788 332

Registrar General
Registrar General

This department is headed by the Registrar General and is responsible for the registration of companies, business names, births, and deaths, political parties, trusts, patents, industrial designs and trademarks, and the collection of stamp duties, etc. A large number of applications for the registration of patents, industrial designs and trademarks are received from all over the world. The department is also responsible for the officiation of marriages under the Marriage Act, Chapter 25:01 of the Laws of Malawi (i.e. marriages other than customary or asiatic marriages). The headquarters is in Blantyre, with regional offices in Lilongwe and Mzuzu

Registrar General
Fatima Arcade, Haile Selassie Road
P.O. Box 100
Blantyre, Malawi
+265 01 824 355 / 01 824 668 / 01 824 785 / 01 824 394
+265 01 821 686

Administrator General
Administrator General

The Administrator General department is headed by the Administrator General and is responsible for the administration of deceased estates and collection of estate duty. The department derives its powers and responsibilities from the Administrator General Act, Chapter 10:01 of the Laws of Malawi, under which the Administrator General is appointed

Administrator General
Vanmali Building
Lower Sclatter Road
Private Bag 202
Blantyre, Malawi

Legal Aid Bureau
Legal Aid Bureau

The Legal Aid Bureau (LAB) is established under section 3 of the Legal Aid Act of 2011 to provide legal services to people who cannot afford private lawyers. It is one of the social services government provides to its citizens such as health, education, food and water. It is the only such institution in Malawi.

Currently, LAB has four offices which are; the headquarters in Lilongwe and it caters for the Central Region. The LAB also has regional office in Blantyre, Zomba and Mzuzu. In Blantyre LAB is in Government offices, lower Victoria Avenue and it provides legal services to Southern region. In Mzuzu the office is in Osman Gani house and it provides legal services to the Northern Region of Malawi. Finally, in Zomba the offices are located in High Court Buildings (Old Parliament buildings) and it caters to the Eastern Region.

1st Floor Shire Building
Off Paul Kagame Highway
P.O. Box 675
Lilongwe, Malawi

+265 01 753 945
+265 01 757 616